Медицинский туризм
Information about a hospital
Komi Republican Clinical Hospital is a major multi-purpose health center in Komi Republican which is provided with up-to-date medical equipment.
The history of the Hospital begins in 1922 and we are going to celebrate the century anniversary in 2022.
In the Komi Republic Clinical Hospital there are more than 50 departments, and additional services. It has more than 1000 medical specialists: 200 doctors, 450 nurses and 200 nursing assistive personal. There are many highly qualified professionals and PhD among them. They provide curative services as well as carry out scientific researches and prepare scientific publications on relevant medical issues.
In the hospital more than 700 patients receive medical care daily and every year specialized assistance is provided to approximately 17 thousand patients.
The hospital has an extensive experience in providing specialized and high-technology health care in a manner consistent with international standards in various fields: surgery, thoracic surgery, maxillofacial surgery, eye microsurgery, gynecology, urology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology, pulmonology and orthopedics. Besides, the hospital has a highly developed infrastructure to ensure early and timely diagnosis and initiation of conservative or surgical treatment based on miniinvasions methods, which enable to avoid traumatic traditional operative interference.
Contact information:
Email: krkb@krbmail.ru
Address: 167004, Syktyvkar, Pushkina St, 114/2
Phone/fax: 8 (8212) 22-98-56, 8 (8212) 21-15-89
Phone numbers:
- Paid services: +7(8212) 27-78-75
working hours: from 8 till 15 on weekdays,
- Admission Department: +7(8212) 22-98-31
working hours: 24 hours a day
You can get to the hospital by bus № 4, № 7, № 19, № 28, № 44 (the bus stop “Hospital town”)
Foreign residents should have documents while seeking health care:
- Identity documents
- Documentation justifying their legal status in the country
- All previous medical documents ( X-ray images, test results, records and so on)
The authority, experience and professional skills of medical personal, the high quality health care in the Komi Republican Clinical Hospital are highly appreciated not only by residents of the Komi Republic, but also abroad.
russiamedtravel.ru - Медицинский туризм
Медицина в России
Медицина в России обладает колоссальной историей, богатыми традициями, которые отлично сочетаются с новейшими технологиями, внедряемыми ежедневно в российских медицинских организациях. Врачи – профессионалы своего дела успешно справляются со сложнейшими задачами, блестяще выполняя хирургические операции, точно устанавливая диагнозы и грамотно подбирая терапевтические тактики.
В Российской Федерации оказывается медицинская помощь высокого качества по широкому спектру нозологий при этом стоимость медицинских услуг в России значительно ниже, чем в большинстве других стран.
По данным Минздрава России в 2017 году в России было пролечено 120 тысяч иностранных граждан, а в 2018 году уже – 300 тысяч. Положительная тенденция является безусловным подтверждением того, что иностранные пациенты положительно относятся к лечению в России.
Откройте Россию с новой стороны – приглашаем посетить Россию с пользой для здоровья! Welcome to Medical Russia!
Зачем приезжать на лечение в Россию?
- высококвалифицированные врачи;
- более высокие шансы получения качественной медицинской помощи;
- точная диагностика и эффективное лечение;
- индивидуальный подход к пациентам;
- широкий спектр доступных медицинских услуг.
Medical Russia
Medicine in Russia has a long history and rich traditions, which today are combined with modern and cutting-edge technologies available in Russian clinics. Highly qualified medical specialists successfully perform complicated surgeries, deal with difficult and varied diagnoses, and provide efficient and effective treatment.
Russia provides high-quality medical care at low cost. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in 2017, 120,000 foreign citiziens came to Russia to receive medical treatment. In 2018, this figure was 300,000, representing the positive attitude foreign patients hold towards treatment in Russia. We invite you to visit Russia for health benefits. Welcome to Medical Russia!
Why come to Russia for medical treatment?
- Highly qualified medical specialists;
- higher chances for successful treatment;
- accurate diagnostic and efficient treatment;
- human and sensitive approach to each patient.
Коми республиканская клиническая больница - многопрофильный медицинский
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